Steps on how to create NNPC Logo Using Core Draw 12,13 etc

Creating the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) logo in Corel draw is very easy, on this tutorial, I shall give the details on how you can complete the logo on your own.

Below are the steps:

Step 1:
Insert an ellipse tool (draw a circle) on your Corel draw page.
(Note: to draw a perfect circle; press down CTRL key while dragging the circle) This way, you can ensure the width and height of the circle is equal. That makes a circle or ellipse tool perfect.

Step 2:
After you have inserted your circle or ellipse tool as described in step 1 above, now insert a rectangle tool as shown below.
To make sure your rectangle is well placed on top the ellipse tool, you are to use the align and distribute command.

Using the Align and distribute command.
Select the two objects you wish to align and distribute, Click on Align and Distribute as shown below, select your alignments (e.g. LEFT, CENTER, LEFT etc) and click OK. Now if you have done this, you can then continue with the next step.

 Step 3:
Click on the Rectangle (I mean the one you first placed on the Circle/Ellipse above) and click on Arrange > Transformations > Rotate.

Once you click Rotate, a box will appear on task pane (at the right hand-side of the screen)Then enter 30 as the rotation degree.

 After click on APPLY TO DUPLICATE . (Continue clicking until it is well rotated as the imaged shown below).


Step 4:
Highlight the circle together with the duplicated rectangles, and Click WELD as shown below:

Once you click on  WELD, your diagram should now display like this below.

Step 5:
Now, give your diagram a yellow color via your color palettes, insert a circle again and color it GREEN. Right-Click on RED color on the color palettes to get an outline color, increase the outline width and proceed to step 6.  

Step 6:


Select the text you typed, Hold down your SHIFT key and select the circle you inserted on the welded diagram.
If you are sure the TEXT and the CIRCLE is selected, now click on TEXT TAB on the MENU BAR and click FIT TEXT TO PATH.

Once you click on Fit Text To Path, your diagram will be in this form as shown below:

Finally, you have successfully created NNPC logo using Corel Draw.

Please, if you have any question on this tutorial or any other computer related question, you are free to state them(it) on the comment box as i will be glad to answer them (it).

