Words of wisdom you must know

Words of wisdom
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You are  a special person who deserves all the happiness the world has to offer. Don’t wait for something huge to happen to make you stop and realize how wonderful this life is.
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Open your heart, and look for a little miracle in everyday  .
Reach out for your dreams, stay positive, and make your  life the wonderful success story it was meant to be.
 If you want to  , you can make a change.
If it matters enough, you can do what   it takes
If you reach down deep enough, you will discover strength, you will never knew you had.
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 If you  reach up high enough, you will see the wisdom within your dreams.
If you reach out far enough, you will find a helping hand, one that will help you understand that if you stay strong and don’t give up your dreams, your dreams wont give up on you.
And if you need a reminder of how great it will be to make a change and give yourself the gift of living in the middle of a new beginning …..  just keep on striving for your goal.
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The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions what question do you ask yourself everyday, or you don’t think at this age you should ask yourself question?
Believe me, the kind of questions you ask determine the kind of life you lead. That’s because your questions trigger its own set of  answers. Which lead to certain emotions, which  then leads to  certain actions  (or inactions) followed by results. If you ask yourself limiting questions, you’ll get limited results. If your ask yourself mind-opening forwarding questions, you’ll gain a lot more of them.
Some people love to ask question like “why am I so unlucky”?  What if I had done this earlier?   And why  am I always in such a situation? All of the fore stated questions are backward looking, the answers you get with them are naturally disempowering.