There are three (3) basic types of the computer. They are:
Digital computer
Analog computer
Hybrid computer
Hybrid computer
Digital computers
These are computers that are used for counting and carrying out arithmetic operations on data. Every computer that is capable of displaying digital information is known as digital computer. We see them in our homes, offices, business houses, and schools. Examples are monster computers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, micro computers, calculators, etc.
Analog computers
These are computers that process data, which vary continuously. Examples of data that vary continuously are: velocity of a car, temperature of a body, amount of fuel flowing through an electric conductor etc. Examples of analog computers are: Dial-type speedometer of vehicles, wrist-watch, petrol pump, thermometer, etc.
These computers combine the functions of both analog and digital computers. We see them in medical science laboratory and in manufacturing industries .Examples are ultrasound scanning machine which can convert analog readings into digital information, thermometer that measures the temperature of a body and displays the value in digital form.
Computers can be classified according to
Mode of operation
By purpose
In classifying computers by purpose, we have:
1. General-Purpose computers: These are computers that are used to solve different human problems
2. Special –Purpose computers: These are used for solving specific tasks
By size: we can also classify computers by size namely:
(1) Monster computers: Monster computers are very large in size and have high computing power. We can find them in satellite, nuclear physics, etc.
(2) Mainframe computers:Mainframe computers are designed for use by large originations that have large volume of data. They are seen in banks, government agencies, etc
(3) Minicomputers:Minicomputers are like mainframe computers but with reduced features. The speed , size and computing power are less than the mainframe computer
(4) Micro computers:Micro computers are designed with single processor called microprocessor. We see them in offices, homes, and schools. Examples are: desktops, laptops, towers, notebooks and palmtops.
By mode of operation
Computers are classified according to the mode of operations as
(1) Digital
(2) Analog
(3) Hybrid